Establishing the Condominium Management Board

Establishing the Condominium Management Board

Establishing the Condominium Management Board 

Establishing the Condominium Management Board

1.       Legal ground

1.1.    Housing Law 2014

1.2.    Circular No. 02/2016/TT-BXD enacting the Regulations on the management and operation of condominium.

1.3.    Circular No. 28/2016/TT-BXD amending a number of stipulations of the Regulations on the management and operation of condominium enacted by Circular No. 02/2016/TT-BXD.

2.       Condition for establishment of the Condominium Management Board.

Pursuant to Article 103 of the Housing Law 2014:

2.1.    The condominium having (i) multiple owners and (ii) more than 20 apartments must establish the Management Board;

2.2.    The condominium having (i) one owner or (ii) less than 20 apartments is not compulsory to establish the Management Board.

3.       Procedure for the establishment of the Condominium Management Board.

Pursuant to Article 17 and 22 of the Regulations on the management and operation of condominium, the procedure to establish the Management Board is as follows:

Step 1: The Management Board is responsible for submitting the dossier to request for recognition;

Step 2: The District People’s Committee is responsible for checking the legitimacy and issue a decision of recognition;

Step 3: The recognized Management Board is responsible for opening an account and registering the seal.

The Dossier consists of:

(i)      A written request of the Management Board;

(ii)     The minutes of the condominium conference meeting on electing the Management Board;

(iii)    List of the members of the Management Board; full name of Chairman and Vice Chairman;

(iv)    The Operating Regulation of the Management Board passed by the condominium conference meeting;

Time limit for processing the Management Board request of recognition: 07 working days from the date of receipt of valid dossier.

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